Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fragile spring with a hardy spirit

My painting of the Frank and Sadie Dugan Home

Old man winter and I mean old ,is still a tough fellow even if he is on one leg.  Spring however is just an an  infant at least in these parts. Still it has an enduring soul that will prevail.and bring to the land a beauty that is very difficult to describe. Bright yellows have arrived as well as many shades of purple with many more shades of color to  complete Spring's lovely dress. I have finished another painting after many weeks of delay. I have posted the painting, titled Frank and Sadie Dugan Home. They have long since passed on, but the old home place still remains on the hillside overlooking the Niangua River. The house is a special place with memories that have lasted a lifetime.Wouldn't it be a sad and barren world without memories. Adios.