Friday, May 28, 2010

The orphan

From out of the darkness came Annie

Poor Annie

Annie is waiting

As some people may have noticed, I have been away for awhile. There was a yard sale to set up, an Alumni to prepare for and lots of grass to mow, not to mention many other spring chores. It is possible no one missed me, that has happened before. During the preperation for the yard sale I found Annie as I will call her, lost among years of clutter, bits and pieces of by gone days. It was a dusty, lonely place I am certain, but now Annie is back and cleaned up. I have no idea where she came fom or who she is. She still has a haunted look even though she is just a doll. But I felt sorry for her and decided not to sell her and let her remain here at least for awhile. We may even buy her a new dress. Adios

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