Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Point of View

A Path through a wondrous Creation 

As the movement of man through the ages occurred they began casting aside many of the gods along the way. Kingdoms were built and destroyed again and again in rejection of particular gods. After many years of unimaginable strife there appeared an ethnic group of great conviction, so much so they were forced into isolation for proclaiming the existence of an unseen God, the only true God, the creator of the heavens and Earth. These people wandered without homeland and often were persecuted to the brink of extinction.
Incredibly something changed the mind set of many humans and within a relatively short time numerous people became convinced that there was one God and man’s soul was eternal. The results established the beginning of fundamental values; however blood sacrifice still remained a prevailing aspect and then ended, (perhaps) with the crucifixion of Jesus. The written word of Jesus came into being and thus along with the Old Testament, changed forever the hierarchy of controlled region.
There is today a danger to those of faith and the indestructible staff of conviction must remain grasped tightly in hand. The young are the most susceptible for change is often minute, but in long term can influence or alter fundamental values.
At present the bookshelves in scores of Christian book stores and many others display numerous translations of the Old and New Testaments and slowly but surely revising these old books of the ages.
Dick and Jane is a wonderful book to read as is the King James Bible, but to reduce the scriptures to a children’s vestige will in time place it  on a dusty shelf of a museum for lack of intelligence and most important conviction to understand the true, unchangeable meaning of the written word of God.  Adios

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