Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Dragon Slayer

A Man Called Ike

A Dragon Slayer
Mythical knights of old, they say, went about the countryside hunting down dragons to keep the neighborhood safe. A brave heart, a trusty sword, body armor and a faithful horse was all one needed to accomplish the deed. A fierce battle ensued; singed whiskers and a dent or two in the armor was not uncommon. For the most part an ideal situation when at last the dragon lay slain. The knight rode away a hero.
Fast forward to the present and to the dragons of the present day. There is a breed of dragons that cannot be slain with a sword, a gun or club. They do not breathe fire and smoke and are very small, so small in fact most of the time you cannot see them with the naked eye, but what they lack in size they make up in treacherous cunning and have an uncanny ability to sustain great wounds. The dragons of today are like an uneasy shadow that comes with a new day or a sense of dread that stirs inside you and then passes for a time. They strike unexpectedly to deal a stunning blow and retreat for a time to come again with malicious intent to slay their victim.
There is another dragon slayer, a man called Ike, a good and valued friend of mine who has stood bravely and faced his share of dragons and has slain a few. He has been wounded brutally at times to within shouting distance of death, but did not falter. He is a knight and his courageous spirit shines like armor of old. There is a love of life in this man that is unequaled.
Ike is not alone, but he fought alone and for those of us who cared we had to move aside, for the battles he has endured are his to fight and he stands the victor today, but does not lower his guard.
Ike is not a fearless man, for fear is a constant companion, but courage is wielded like a sword and his shield carries the color of faith.

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