Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Heidi And Me And The Secret Garden In Bloom

AS If To Say To Me, "This won't Happen Again."

The Sumac Tree Crowns The Wild Garden
The lilies Will Not Be Outdone

A Beautiful Jewel in the Garden

I found this old statue broken and put part of it back together and now it watches over the secret garden

Hollyhocks that originally came from England over a hundred years ago.

A quite, polite rain slipped across the crossroads this morning. Heidi waited in her house until it passed and then we went walking along a road bordered by wild flowers, nodding in the breeze. Heidi has changed so much in the last few weeks and I think she forgets at times the bad days of her past. She does not care for strangers and is a very private creature. This morning after returning from our walk she sat quitely while a photo of her and I was taken. The secret garden is in full bloom. Adios

1 comment:

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Beautiful photos. You've got quite a friend there.