Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Heidi, Then And Now

Heidi nearly a year ago

Heidi at present day

Yesterday while looking for a lost item I came across a photo of Heidie. She was still in the control of the facility where I found her. I could hardly bear the sight of her for in those sad eyes only a soul with little hope remained. Now some may say that man is the only creature with a soul, but I strongly disagree. Heidi lay there looking at me with a fear beyong anything I could comprehend. During the last several months I have posted photos of her with updates on her continuing journey with me. Look closely and compare the first Heidi with the present Heidi. During that time she has grown more beautiful, more trusting and life burns bright in those almond eyes. Two nights ago a very intense thunderstorm arrived. I could hear it approaching, sweeping across an old cedar forest northwest of the house. Lighting was fierce and thunder crashed like a thousand canons. I hurried outside and found Heidi standing outside her door and urged her to go in of which she did not hesitate. I closed the door and hurried inside to get her a favorite treat and joined her in the little cabin. She was very glad that I was going to stay with her for awhile. She and I sat in her bed, side by side and watched the storm around us and after awhile, she laid down and nibbled at her chicken jerky. She had bravely weathered the storm, unlike the creature I had first seen many months before. She and I are at ease now with each other. I can't imagine any human who dislikes animals for in them is a great gift of mortal life on this Earth. Adios


T. Powell Coltrin said...

Then and now are definitely different. There was unrest in her eyes then. There is peace in her eyes now. What a good job you have done.

Anonymous said...

Amazing what a good home & kindness has done for Heidi. Beautiful.